March 12, 2025 Register Login
Tulip Mixing Bowl
Maker: Hocking Glass Company
Color: Green
Made: 1927 - 1933
Cherry Blossom Cup & Saucer

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 MembershipMembership Enrollment Form   
DGC Membership Enrollment Form


Please complete and submit the Membership Enrollment Form to join as a new member or renew your existing membership. Please make sure that all information is complete and current.

Individual Membership dues are $20.00 per year.  Family memberships are $30.00 per year.  Annual membership renewals are due on or before March 31st each year.  

Checks  should be made payable to Depression  Glass Club and mailed to:


C. Sue Holley, CDG Secretary/Treasurer

1234 Arlingwood Avenue

Jacksonville, FL  32211

You may also join as a new member or renew your membership dues at a regular monthly meeting.  Visit our Calendar page for meeting dates.

Please list the first and last names & date of birth of other family members included in this paid membership:

Please check the "Also send me a copy" checkbox if you wish to receive a copy of your membership enrollment form submission via e-mail.

* Required
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